2:05 PM

If You Build It, They Will Come

After seven years of marriage Donna and I have gotten pretty good at picking our battles. As newlyweds, what surprised us most about our arguments was not the frequency, but rather the subject matter. Our biggest conflicts seemed to be over the smallest things.

For example, our biggest argument to date was over where to hang a shelf in our first apartment. This shelf, no matter how inspired its placement, was never going to do anything more than hold books. But we fought like Crips and Bloods about where to put it.

However, I am hereby putting my arguing days behind me and forfeiting all future disagreements to Donna.


Because in her infinite grace and ever-loving wisdom she has acquiesced to me building this in our backyard…


E-Z E said...

It is so beautiful. You must be very proud. Watch out for when my mom visits, though. She'll school you with her mad b-ball skills ;)

Anonymous said...

Multi Use Sport Court!