Timothy volunteered to pray before lunch one day. This is what he said: Dear God, please help my mom to not say bad words. Help me not to sleep with gum in my mouth. Help my mom and dad to get along. In Jesus name, Amen.
When talking about the beheading of John the Baptist, Ivan said that he wished that God’s big hand could just pick up John’s head and put it back on.
This is the answer I got when I asked Timothy the definition of a mustache. A mustache is something that stays on your nose for a lot of days.
Amiracle’s feelings got hurt the other day. She said, “Everyone is laughing at me except for me.”
The children were talking about special things they could do for their moms in honor of Mother's Day. Their suggestions included: flowers, cards, doing mom's chores, giving her a hug and kiss. The best suggestion was from Timothy who is an avid fan of the "Bibleman" movies. Timothy said he wanted to give his mom a sword for Mother's Day. I asked him if he she would really like a sword or if that is something he would like as a gift. He assured me that his mother would love to have a sword so that she can protect herself.
During lunch time, Gabriel and Timothy were trying to remember the three members of the Trinity. Gabriel said, “Holy Spirit, Jesus and …” Before he could finish his thought, Timothy suggested, “Bibleman?”
During nap time I told Gabriel (who had not fallen asleep) that he could read a book until I woke up the other children in five minutes. He said, “That’s what time my church ends, at five minutes!”
Whenever Nicholas gets distracted in the classroom, I tell him that if he keeps his eyes on me, then he will learn. If he does not keep his eyes on me and participate, then he will not learn. Recently I assessed him on his letter recognition. I noticed a significant improvement in his ability to identify letters and their sounds. I asked him if he and his mom had been practicing with the letter flashcards I had sent home. He said, “No, I have just been keeping my eyes on you.” This was a reminder to me to keep my eyes on Jesus. I will learn and grow if I stay focused on the Lord. If I get distracted by all the worries around me, then I will become stunted, never reaching my full potential. The truths I teach my students are the truths I need to hear and practice myself.
My students keep complaining that they have the "hook-ups" instead of the "hick-ups."
Timothy informed me that he could count to 1,009. I told him to try. He counted from 1 to 109 perfectly, then skipped to 1,000 and ended up with 1,009! J If only it were that easy.
I told my students I would be taking pictures of them outside on the playground. Gabriel commented that if I had their pictures then I would never miss them.
My students and I were talking about the kind of food that makes you healthy and strong. Timothy told me that he was “strong and mighty in the Lord’s power.”
Amiracle informed me that her brother was “seven for a long time, and now he’s eight.”
This is how Ivan said that God made angels: he made them, painted them yellow, put wings on them, the put lightening on them to make them bright.
I read a story to my students called, “Katy No Pocket.” There is a crocodile in the story that is friendly and smiles. Timothy wanted to make sure we all knew that the story was pretend. He said, “In this world, crocodiles are mean and don’t smile.”
Ivan comment during prayer time, “Mrs. Gant, you prayed so fast. Did God hear you? I think he did because he has big ears.”
A volunteer was working with Amiracle on recognizing opposites from pictures on cards. She did so well on them that the volunteer encouraged her to make up her own. She came up with a couple of good ones and then looked at the volunteer and offered emphatically "truth and lie." I had been teaching the children about what it means to be wise and foolish. I told them that when you are wise, you know what is right and what is wrong, as well as the difference between the truth and a lie. A foolish person chooses what is wrong and believes lies. I was so excited to hear that wisdom is blooming in this little girl’s heart.
When talking about the beheading of John the Baptist, Ivan said that he wished that God’s big hand could just pick up John’s head and put it back on.
This is the answer I got when I asked Timothy the definition of a mustache. A mustache is something that stays on your nose for a lot of days.
Amiracle’s feelings got hurt the other day. She said, “Everyone is laughing at me except for me.”
The children were talking about special things they could do for their moms in honor of Mother's Day. Their suggestions included: flowers, cards, doing mom's chores, giving her a hug and kiss. The best suggestion was from Timothy who is an avid fan of the "Bibleman" movies. Timothy said he wanted to give his mom a sword for Mother's Day. I asked him if he she would really like a sword or if that is something he would like as a gift. He assured me that his mother would love to have a sword so that she can protect herself.
During lunch time, Gabriel and Timothy were trying to remember the three members of the Trinity. Gabriel said, “Holy Spirit, Jesus and …” Before he could finish his thought, Timothy suggested, “Bibleman?”
During nap time I told Gabriel (who had not fallen asleep) that he could read a book until I woke up the other children in five minutes. He said, “That’s what time my church ends, at five minutes!”
Whenever Nicholas gets distracted in the classroom, I tell him that if he keeps his eyes on me, then he will learn. If he does not keep his eyes on me and participate, then he will not learn. Recently I assessed him on his letter recognition. I noticed a significant improvement in his ability to identify letters and their sounds. I asked him if he and his mom had been practicing with the letter flashcards I had sent home. He said, “No, I have just been keeping my eyes on you.” This was a reminder to me to keep my eyes on Jesus. I will learn and grow if I stay focused on the Lord. If I get distracted by all the worries around me, then I will become stunted, never reaching my full potential. The truths I teach my students are the truths I need to hear and practice myself.
My students keep complaining that they have the "hook-ups" instead of the "hick-ups."
Timothy informed me that he could count to 1,009. I told him to try. He counted from 1 to 109 perfectly, then skipped to 1,000 and ended up with 1,009! J If only it were that easy.
I told my students I would be taking pictures of them outside on the playground. Gabriel commented that if I had their pictures then I would never miss them.
My students and I were talking about the kind of food that makes you healthy and strong. Timothy told me that he was “strong and mighty in the Lord’s power.”
Amiracle informed me that her brother was “seven for a long time, and now he’s eight.”
This is how Ivan said that God made angels: he made them, painted them yellow, put wings on them, the put lightening on them to make them bright.
I read a story to my students called, “Katy No Pocket.” There is a crocodile in the story that is friendly and smiles. Timothy wanted to make sure we all knew that the story was pretend. He said, “In this world, crocodiles are mean and don’t smile.”
Ivan comment during prayer time, “Mrs. Gant, you prayed so fast. Did God hear you? I think he did because he has big ears.”
A volunteer was working with Amiracle on recognizing opposites from pictures on cards. She did so well on them that the volunteer encouraged her to make up her own. She came up with a couple of good ones and then looked at the volunteer and offered emphatically "truth and lie." I had been teaching the children about what it means to be wise and foolish. I told them that when you are wise, you know what is right and what is wrong, as well as the difference between the truth and a lie. A foolish person chooses what is wrong and believes lies. I was so excited to hear that wisdom is blooming in this little girl’s heart.