I work in an office full of people eagerly devouring their freshly printed copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. These are perfectly reasonable adults, for the most part, and they've gone completley bonkers. I can't remember the last time something had so many people so excited.
At the same time I am witnessing Potter-mania rage through the adult ranks, I keep seeing articles about the spiritual merits of the series and the implications on children. What's really interesting, and I think very telling, is that some of these articles slam the Potter series for being overtly satanic and dangerous while others actually compare J.K. Rowling to C.S. Lewis.
I have not read any of the books or seen any of the movies, so I can't really comment on the validity of relating the stories to Christianity. But I thought you guys might have some insight.
You all have kids or work with kids and I wanted to know if you've read the books and/or would you let your own kids read them?
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