Donna and I see a lot of movies, it’s one of our favorite things to do. We probably average a couple of movies a month, and it’s not that unusual for us to see a couple in a single weekend. We’re usually not that critical, but occasionally we’ll see one that throws up all over itself. This was the case last weekend when we went to see No Country for Old Men.
The buzz around this movie has been strong, and it’s got several things going for it that Donna and I were pretty excited about. First, it’s based on a novel by
Cormac McCarthy, who also wrote the book that one of our all-time favorite movies,
All the Pretty Horses, is based on. Second, it has Tommy Lee Jones playing a sheriff and nobody flexes the long arm of the law like Woodrow Call himself. Finally, it’s a gangster movie and gangster movies are always cool.
But even with all of these promising elements, we left the theatre laughing at the sheer stupidity of it.
No Country for Old Men starts off promising enough. Some dude wanders onto the scene of a drug deal that has gone tits up. Dead bodies are everywhere and in the gory aftermath someone has dropped a bag of money. The rest of the movie is about the gangsters trying to get their money back.
This is when we started to get the idea that this movie might be heading south.
Milton from Office Space is the king pin for crying out loud. And the goon they sent to get the money looks just like a goon somebody would send to get the money. To me, the very first qualification of a hit man would be someone who can blend in. But if you saw this guy walking down the street, you’d call the police and tell them there was a hit man walking down the street.
Tommy Lee Jones plays (unintentionally) the laziest (and maybe the dumbest) cop to ever be sworn in. He can’t figure out who in the world is killing every dang thing in town, but in just about every scene he’s just sitting in some diner reading the paper. Actually going outside and trying to find the psychopathic killer never seems to become a real option until it’s time for him to retire.
For good measure, throw in Woody from Cheers as a bounty hunter and an ending that’s as unimaginative as cafeteria meat loaf and you got yourself the next big movie of 2007. Every once in a while it becomes very fashionable to like something. This is how completely horrible movies like Crash win Oscars.